Review: Lush - Dream Cream.
on Tuesday, November 10, 2009. Filed under: Dream Cream, lush, moisturisers, review
I bought this last year. Or earlier this year. I dont really remember, but it was between this or Charity Pot. The sale associate was telling me the difference between the two and the boyfriend strongly suggested I get Dream Cream since I get horrible dry spots on my hands a lot, especially during the winter.

I had stopped using it a few months back because I just got too lazy and the top was a hassle to screw on and off especially when you first apply the cream and the oils are still sitting on your skin.
Since its getting colder, my dry spots have been seriously acting up. I slightly wake up during the night scratching my hands and causing red bumps (I have OCD so I'm constantly washing my hands, I've successfully stripped moisture from my hands so they tend to itch a lot and when I scratch them, I get red burning bumps, frustrating). So I decided to go back to my Dream Cream.
I forgot how much I loved this product. It really helps so soothe the dry areas of my skin and I just love the way it feels. The only thing I dont love about it, is how long it takes to absorb into my skin. I hate the feelin of oil on my hands, so I usually apply this right before bed so I'm not touching anything that could be ruined by oily fingerprints (like the keyboard or my DS or ipod, things with that type of finish to them).
Unfortunately mine expires in 2 days! Oh no! I wasnt aware! And Lush is really far from me too, darn. But after having it for about a year, there's still a lot of product left. Seriously, that pot could probably last me a good 3 years if it never expires. Totally worth the money!
November 11, 2009 at 3:57 AM
I work at lush and just to let you know, just cause it's expired doesn't mean it's still not usable.
It more like a 'best before' date. So it still a great moisturiser, but because fresh ingredients are used in the product it may lose it's fresh qualities after the expiry date.
Just watch out for any product past it's date which is looking or smelling a little funky, then it should be thrown out. Most of the time that's only the case with products that have no preservatives like the fresh face masks, or fresh facial cleansers.
I like to lather a palmful of the cream on my feet, pop on socks and hop in bed. My feet are wonderfully soft the next morning!
November 11, 2009 at 5:03 PM
I love Lush! Cannot wait to try this stuff. I had the same itchy red sores on my hands that would keep me up at night. Nothing helped it and when I gave up drinking soy milk it went away! Weird.
November 11, 2009 at 5:08 PM
thank you for this post! i am currently looking to see what other lush items are great as I just did a lush post too! =)
November 11, 2009 at 7:13 PM
Oh my gosh, I want to try this! :) Everyone on Blogger seems to really be ranting about Lush products. When I go home during the holidays, I will be stopping by the nearest Lush!!
November 12, 2009 at 12:09 AM
@Jani - Oh thank goodness! I didnt want to throw it out just yet since I cant get to Lush any time soon. I do the cream on my feet thing too during the winter. My feet get really dry and itchy. I should try it with Dream Cream!
@Selena - YES. They wake me up at night. Or I'll wake up in the morning with like scratch scabs on my hands... it drives me nuts. I've tried a lot of hand lotions too, ughh. And soy milk? Really? That is weird!
November 16, 2009 at 4:31 PM
Damn. Too bad I've put myself on another ban. haha.
WHAT?! Your guys' Hot Dog on a Stick doesn't have zucchini?!! Omg. You can make your own! It's super easy. Just tempura-fry strips of zucchini, spritz some lemon over it and dip in ranch dressing---pure heaven!
November 24, 2009 at 12:18 PM
I love Lush, too bad that my skin is so sensitive. Glad the product is so well loved by you though! XO!
November 26, 2009 at 1:30 PM
Looks like ice cream;)