My poor neglected beauty blog <3.
on Monday, November 9, 2009. Filed under: update
Dear blog,
I'm sorry I havent been paying very much attention to you lately. You havent done anything wrong, its me. I've been busy and spending all my time here because all of this wedding planning and learning military things are just so overwhelming and here isnt the place to vent any of that out. I've also been working on a few new projects having to do with the musical Wicked. Its my only source of relaxation during this hectic time. I'm so lucky Martin understands my obsession with it and having to see it every single month.
I havent been hauling as much since all of my money is going towards the wedding and I havent been putting on makeup since I havent had time (the nerves under my eyes have been going crazy with vibrating due to lack of sleep, that shows how much time I have). But I'm trying! It makes me a bit sad that I havent had time for anything and I cant even tell you what the current MAC collection out is called or what's coming out after it.
I cant promise more updates, December is going to be extremely busy. I'm flying out twice within the span of a week. So everything that has to be handled at home (like cleaning my room) has to be done by the end of November (did I mention I hoard, seriously. I've gone to therapy for this. You'd hate to see my room). And after the wedding might be even more hectic since he wants me to move across the country with him. And I cant say no, especially since we'll be married by then (besides, it'll be exciting).
The first taste of military life isnt so sweet. And its going to get some getting use to. So please understand blog, that its not you. Life is just pulling me in a million directions right now. I'll be back when I can be. I have a few posts lined up until December hits, but nothing as often as before. At least not right now.
I'll do my best blog, really I will!
Btw, thank you everyone for getting this blog a google page rate of 2. It really brightened my day the other day (like I said, military life isnt so sweet)! I was jumping up and down from excitement. I got to talk to Martin today and I told him about the page rate, he choked up saying he was proud of me. This blog wouldnt be here if it werent for you boo, I hope you know that. So thank you for telling me not to give up when I started this. I'm proud of you too, soon to be Airman.
I'm reading everyone's blogs, even if I dont post comments! Love you guys!
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