NYX Blow Out Sale.... again.

on Sunday, April 18, 2010. Filed under: , ,


NYX is having another Blow Out Sale! I know I told myself I wasn't going to bother with them anymore because their shipping is so horrible but seriously... LOOK AT IT! There are so many great deals in this flier! 

Are any of you planning on getting anything or are you skipping it this time?

4 Responses to NYX Blow Out Sale.... again.

  1. Anonymous

    Mmm I'm a bit wary as well, but it's so tempting. I wanna get me some lippies and other stuff. *sigh* this shopping ban isn't working out too well for me. haha!

  2. Lilladylife

    thanks for the info mmmmm what to get!!?? excited ~

  3. Heather @ Simple Wives

    Oh man...I need some new make up!! :)

  4. Unknown

    such marketing traps! haha! and unfortunately we all fall for it! ;D great deals though! :)