Trying to eat healthier!

on Thursday, March 4, 2010. Filed under: ,

Things have gotten really really busy since school started and when you're busy, it's hard to remember to eat right. It's so much easier to get through a Micky D's or Taco Bell drive thru (plus, hello! They're open 24hrs)! I'm horrible with trying to eat healthy but this year, I'm trying to change that. I'm getting older and I need to take better care of myself (especially since I'm prone to everything bad and deadly and my immune system sucks). Plus my husband is starting to really worry about my health lately.

I'm trying to increase my intake of fruits, yogurt and most importantly, water. I'm sure I've mentioned before how much I hate water. It's such a hassle for me to drink it because I hate the taste. Sure, you could say it taste like nothing but to someone who doesn't drink water a lot (or at all), it does have a taste! I'm not too worried about my veggie intake because I'm a huge fan of veggies. I love lettuce! I eat lettuce every single day. Oh and I have to increase my intake of nuts and hard boiled egg! The hard boiled egg is going to be hard, especially since I can't eat a lot of egg at one time. I love nuts (mostly hazelnut, macadamia, walnut and almonds) but sometimes they're not the first thing you reach for when you want a snack...

So I was looking for some healthy snacks the other night. When I stay home all day, I usually don't eat a lot. But I do snack on things so I figured I'd beat the system and stock my room with snacks. I also tend to skip breakfast a lot but I heard that a cup of almonds or a banana in the morning is good enough to get you some energy.

So I found these! Cocoa Roast Almonds (which is delicious) and Tropical Blend Trail Mix (the dried mangoes make my stomach hurt but everything else is good). 

I've also been craving granola a lot lately. I love Panera Bread's fruit parfait! I just wish it didn't cost so much!

Is there any healthy food you have trouble eating more of?

7 Responses to Trying to eat healthier!

  1. Anonymous

    I know EXACTLY how you feel about water! I buy lemon juice in the big bottle, it also counts as fruit & I add just a little bit, maybe a little more then a cap full to my water & it gives it some punch & I pretty much am a fish when I drink water with that in it, makes drinking the recommended amount of water per day a sinch! Also try infusing water like letting some cucumber or berries sit in the water over night in the fridge with lots of ice & the next day it'll taste good & have the amazing benefits of water! (recipe's online)! Anyway... that's my 2 cents on the whole water thing. I also buy in bulk at like Raley's just plain roasted alamonds, they are just as yummy and a handfull goes a long way, I snack on those at work & then I'm not that hungry the rest of the night and can eat a small dinner (my hours are 230p to 11p so hopefully you understand the hours I keep). Another healthy treat that I LOVE is slimfast has these bars, if you remind me I'll get the exact name of them but their only 90 or 100 calories & they, NO JOKE, taste EXACTLY like a butterfinger. YUMMY! Anyway, good luck :)

  2. Mama

    Water, I to hate water. I do the lemon slices and it has to be ice cold! BLAH WATER!!!

  3. thugqueen28

    I hate water too! Beyonce hates water too! She puts lemon and cucumbers in hers. I always go for something like gaterade or vitamin water but thats hella sugar :(. I've been drinking a lot of bottled water recently because I saw a huge improvement in my skin!

  4. Remodelaholic

    Just stopping in and looking around from Follow Friday! And just became your newest follower! Yea! Hope you stop by and return the favor!

    My blog is all about interior design and remodeling there are some great tutorials so you can get the look you want on a budget! We also have a party every Friday to show off your stuff!!

  5. Tara

    Thanks for linking up. Following you back!

  6. Tina

    For some reason I thought I commented this, I guessnot.

    Granola is gooodzz.

    I been wanting to buy my own food lately because my parents buy so much junk food!


    About your comment on Martin, why, what happened!? :[ <3

    Yeah, I already like the Jumbo Pencils, I been always wanting to try them out and when that $1 Sale was going I decided to get those 4 they offered, but I really want to try the milk one so maybe sometimes this month I'll get one off of CC. Yeah, I noticed they did that kinda AFTER I ordered from NYX official site... lol. x_x

    I really excited about their new previews though!!

    Any suggestions on nude lipstick from MAC? I missed out on Lady GaGa's pink lipstick. I'm always late on these things, plus I can't really decide when it comes to high end makeup cus I barely use most of my makeup so I been picky. I rather spend 20-30 dollars towards a video game than some lipstick. lol So I have to be like 110% sure I might like it. I finally hit the MAC counters on my birthday but they were OUT OF STOCK on the lipsticks I wanted. Like, seriously.. I'm always late!? wth. lol

    What's Wicked about, I been wanting to ask you this for quite a while now. And did you see this ad about "The Oron King, Iron Fey" something or other, looks like something you might read, or like or I dunno falls into the latest books being read these days. Not sure.

  7. Anonymous

    Oh my gosh!! I looooooove fruit and granola parfaits!!! :D Ugh, and I've been trying to start eating healthier now too cuz lately I've been eating soooo much junk food! (O.o)