Happy Thanksgiving!
on Thursday, November 26, 2009. Filed under: Thanksgiving
Just wanted to make a quick post and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Martin was suppose to be home yesterday but he wasnt able to fly out, pretty bummed since its our first Thanksgiving apart in the last 5 years, but what can you do right? Thanksgiving isnt some big holiday around here so I'm gonna do what I do every year...
Clean my room.
And get ready for Christmas, yay!
I just made two hauls. Ah the joy of staying home on Thanksgiving... sales! I'm thinking of making one more hehe. Made my 2nd Sephora order of the year. Can you believe that? At least I think I only ordered twice this year. I know I havent purchased anything from the store in a really long time.
Probably going to post a collective haul since I havent been hauling much. Darn wedding. I hope to have something interesting to post after the wedding (haul-wise lol). I've been hauling books! I re-discovered my love for books the last month and a half! Hehe.
- My amazing fiance who's never given up on me no matter how off the wall, extreme, psycho I get or how much sense I dont make and always willing to help me with my next crazy hobbie or idea.
- My parents who made sure my wedding is going to happen. For being supportive during the time that Martin's been gone. For their love and support (even though sometimes they have a weird way of showing it).
- My wonderful friends who always have my back and who I can call at any hours of the day/night and babble to until I feel better.
- My super caring sister-in-law. Seriously this wedding would not had been anywhere close to done by now without her help! I met her when she was 13 and she's grown into a very silly and mature young lady, so lucky to have her as my sister in law!
- My furbabies for always brightening up my days.
- Boq, the hamster my mama got me =)
- Blogging cause without it I'd probably go nuts.
- My accomplishments so far, especially in the last two months.
- The Air Force for this crazy adventure that we both hate lol.
- Wicked. It inspires me to try harder and to dream bigger.
- Everything life has to offer good and bad.
- Finding Nemo gummy multivitamins cause man, they're delicious!
- Books!
- My new digi cam =)
- For the ability to try to stay positive no matter the situation.
- My wedding!
- Baskin Robbins Fudge Crunch Cake (makes everything better, no lie!)
- The holiday spirit (favorite time of the year).
- Finding the perfect sugar cookie soaps for my wedding favors (I'm so so happy with them)!
- KOHLS (I just bought the most amazing hoodie, boots and shirts from there last week)!
Have a good Thanksgiving everyone!
November 27, 2009 at 5:26 PM
Hey Marie.
Yes, Cetaphil can be used on the face. However, the petroleum feeling is a love-hate for a lot of people. Because my skin is so dry, I'm willing to go for anything. But I too use it on my hands, elbows, and knees. Tell me how you like it. :)
and Happy Thanksgiving!