New books!

on Sunday, March 14, 2010. Filed under: ,

I haven't been hauling much makeup, at least... not as much as I use to. I've been trying to get back in touch with my roots... reading. I use to spend a ton of time reading when I was younger. I guess that all stopped when I started getting busy with 16hr shifts at my previous job. I started reading again when my husband left for Basic Training last year, I have to admit, having a husband can prevent you from reading some days! And having a PC in your room probably doesn't help either. But I'm happy to say, I've been finishing a few books this month and it feels great!


  •  Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott
  • A Brilliant Madness by Patty Duke
  • To Serve My Country by Jenna Turnipseed

I've finished To Serve My Country and I'll be doing a review on it on my book blog here. You can also check out my book blog if you want the latest news on my book reading adventure. I'm also an Amazon Associate so if you're interested in purchasing any of the books I've mentioned, please feel free to let me know!

I had the pleasure of meeting Patty Duke while she was in San Francisco with the Wicked musical cast performing as Madam Morrible (my favorite Madam Morrible, in fact) and I'm sad to had found out she wrote this book after I met her (she was leaving the production that following Sunday along with Eddy Rioesco and Natalie). I probably would had much more to say to her if I knew prior to meeting her. But she is a sweet little lady and an extremely talented actress. I'm excited to start reading her book soon!

Are you into reading books? What's your favorite book? Or your favorite author?

2 Responses to New books!

  1. kim

    I absolutely LOVE reading. It's definitely one of my favorite things to do. I think I want to check out "Stealing Heaven".

    My favorite book of all time is "Sunday's at Tiffany" that I just finished reading this past weekend. Great book.

    Also, you should check out ... It's a great website for people who love reading. :)

  2. Abby Q.

    I have been reading a bit too lately...I read the first Sookie Stackhouse novel and am on book 2. They are kind of corny, totally "vampire porn", but fun too. I am glad to see you have a book blog so I'll have to head over there and check it out - we can swap notes on books! :)